Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chicken Afritada

Chicken Afritada

1 lb. chicken thighs or wings
1 sliced red pepper

1 sliced green pepper

1 sliced yellow

3 potatoes, cut in cubes

2 carrots,cut medium-sized

1 8oz. can tomato sauce


black pepper and

garlic powder to taste

In a pot, with medium to high temperature, boil the chicken for about 20 minutes. drain and save the chicken stock.

While the chicken is boiling, saute the onion, red and green pepper with olive oil, add the potatoes and drained chicken cook for about 10 minutes. add the rest of the ingredients. Pour in the chicken stock. add the tomato sauce then cook with medium to low temperature until the sauce thickens. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Serve hot over steam rice.

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